Ask The Experts - CMCM Master Classes

CMCM's popular series of masterclasses "Ask The Experts" is back at Marin TV on-site with media-related topics presented by experts in their field. These special workshops are free for all CMCM members and $35 for non-members (all ATE workshops and 1-year membership included).

"Smartphone Productions" with Michael Bouyer | Thursday, February 6th (6:30 - 8:30 PM):
If you are interested in creating media content, with the right training, and a few simple accessories, you can enter the production field using the phone you carry in your pocket!

"Comfortable On Camera" with Tiffany McElroy | Thursday, February 13th (6:30 - 8:30 PM):
Learn from an Emmy Award-winning television journalist how to improve the way you communicate and help you deliver your message on camera in a compelling and engaging way. After this workshop, you'll feel as comfortable and confident as a pro!

"From Story To Script" with Yoel Iskindir | Thursday, February 20th (6:30 - 8:30 PM):
Learn the basics of developing a script to match your story. Translate your ideas into a proper screenplay format.

"Story & Structure" with Andrew Small | Thursday, February 27th (6:30 - 8:30 PM):
Learn the skills for writing a feature film from an experienced screenwriter and, in turn, adapt those skills into writing a short film!

"Editing VES Luminaries" with Nick Logan | Thursday, March 13th (6:30 - 8:30 PM):
How interviews with visual effects legends are put together to make compelling stories.

"From Mic To Mix" with Drew Jaya | Thursday, March 20th (6:30 - 8:30 PM):
Maximizing Audio Tools for Video Field Production.

"Production Point Of View" with Chase | Thursday, March 27th (6:30 - 8:30 PM):
Covering the aspects, ratios, and elements of videography with easy steps to enhance your project.

"The Art Of Making Boomboxes" with Noel Rabinowitz | Thursday, April 3rd (6:30 - 8:30 PM):
Achieving Beautiful Sound By Trial And Error.

"Growing Your Online Presence" with Carol Jacobsen | Thursday, April 10th (6:30 - 8:30 PM):
Utilizing social media, learning online tools, and increasing opportunities to amplify your message.

"Family History Interviews" with Mike Wolpert | Thursday, April 17th (6:30 - 8:30 PM):
Capture the life stories, recollections and wisdom from family Elders, your or others. From what questions to ask, simple but effective recording setups and how to help your subject feel comfortable. You’ll come away from this workshop ready to capture history!

All attendees must register!

If you are not a CMCM Member, you can pay $35 below for the entire series and receive a free CMCM Membership. If you don't use Paypal you can pay in-person with cash/check too.

Non-Member Payment - $35

Please fill in the information below and select the classes you plan to attend below.

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