Archie Williams High School Class of 2023 Graduation Broadcasts!

Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2023! Marin TV covered the live Ceremonies. Enjoy the broadcast replays on TV and online!
Here is Marin TV’s live broadcast information and schedule:
Friday, June 9th @ 4:00 PM
Sunday, June 25th @ 3:00 PM
Monday, June 26th @ 8:00 PM
Friday, June 30th @ 12:00 AM
Saturday, July 1st @ 8:00 PM
Sunday, July 2nd @ 6:00 PM
Tuesday, July 4th @ 9:00 AM
Thursday, July 6th @ 7:00 AM
Saturday, July 8th @ 8:00 AM
Monday, July 10th @ 5:00 PM
Wednesday, July 12th @ 12:00 PM
Friday, July 14th @ 2:00 PM
Sunday, July 16th @ 10:00 PM
Comcast Channel 30
AT&T U-Verse Channel 99
Marin TV:
CMCM YouTube: