Don't Settle for Bad Sound. Like Your Mic!

"There's a reason the A is listed first in AV. It's audio/visual not visual/audio," says Master Communications Group, a highly experienced team of Minneapolis video production professionals.
"Amateur producers often focus too much on the video side of a project and forget the importance of the audio. Poorly recorded sound will kill a video more than poor video quality. When you watch a video and the audio quality is not good, the first thing your brain says is, 'The picture looks bad.' Here is just a short list of what can make an interview sound like Charlie Brown's teacher:
• Using a camera mic for the interview
• Improper placement of microphone
• Wrong microphone chosen for the task
• Using a phone to shoot the interview
The bottom line is: your video is only as good as your sound.”
Our friends at PhillyCAM (Philadelphia Community Access Media) have created a few short videos that will help you choose and use the best mic for your video. Watch and learn!