Fire Safe Marin’s “Wildfire Watch” series premieres!

Fire Safe Marin’s “Wildfire Watch” program premieres this Thursday, September 16 (6:00 – 7:00 PM)
Wildfire Watch is a new one-hour show that will bring you up to speed on wildfire
activity and what you need to do to keep safe in Marin. Fire Safe Marin brings
together the leading experts on wildfire, emergency planning, and fire preparation
to offer realistic solutions that will make a difference.
Featured stories will take you to the front lines of wildfire defense, behind the scenes of Marin’s alert system, and prepare you for power outages. DIY segments show you home fixes for the most common fire hazards. Fire Beat offers a fast-paced look at wildfire prevention projects happening around the county, and Voices of Marin taps into the questions and concerns of residents throughout the area.
Stream on-demand. The first episode "Ember Storms - When the Power Goes Out" premieres Thursday, September 16 at 6:00 PM with new episodes released monthly. Fire Safe Marin Webinar videos run every Saturday at 7:00PM.
This is produced by Fire Safe Marin and funded by Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority. Marin TV will also be highlighting Fire Safe Marin on the Marin TV's Education Channel 30.
Here is the link to the Fire Safe Marin - Wildfire Watch