Marin TV - Master Control Updates

November 17, 2016 8:00 AM UPDATE
More work ahead! We brought the Community Channel 26 online last night and it is now playing out the regular program schedule. Still many tweaks to be done to encoder/scalers along the signal path to refine the image quality. We should have Channel 27/30 back to their normal schedules later today.
November 16, 2016 8:00 AM UPDATE
We worked late into the night but haven't yet brought the new system online. There will continue to be interruptions to the normal schedule throughout the day as we transfer files, test and configure the setup. Hopefully there will be a return to normal programming this evening. We appreciate your patience! Note: Live government meetings will play at their scheduled times and the Government Channel 27 remains on the same schedule as usual.
November 15, 2016 UPDATE
We are rolling over the Marin TV cable channels to new servers this afternoon. Expect some disruptions to the programming schedule as we do this. We hope to have things as close to normal as soon as possible. Tweaks and tests will continue throughout the week.