Straight from Tijuana comes Transmedios TV
Llega a Marin directo desde Tijuana, Tranmedios TV, con un enfoque en arte multimedia, cine, video, exposiciones y conciertos creados por la juentud del area de Tijuana y San Diego.
Todos los Domingos de 1 - 2PM y los Lunes de 6 - 8PM en el canal Educativo Comcast 30 y en A&TT U-verse canal 99.
Visita para encontrar mas informacion.
Now on Marin TV, straight from Tijuana, Mexico, comes Transmedios TV. A selection of shows focused on multimedia art, film, exhibitions, and concerts created by the youth of Tijuana and San Diego.
Every Sunday from 1-3PM and Mondays from 6-8PM on Education Channel 30 and AT&T U-Verse 99.
Learn more about this thriving project by visiting